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Showing posts from October, 2016

Batman v Superman: The Fundamental Flaw

“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” Yes, I am indeed, not dead. Yeah, I've been away from the blogosphere for a while. I'm not sure if anyone cares to hear an explanation, but I guess I will explain after post. Above is a brilliant video about Batman v Superman and why it fails. Sometimes, as a critic, you can have a feeling that something is off, yet you cannot articulate yourself. Thankfully, this great YouTube channel I discovered, Nerd Writer , does an excellent job at breaking down one of the main flaws in Batman v Superman. Check it out!  As for my absence, it can mostly attributed to school and my disability taking up all of my physical typing energy. That's really it. Well, hope every enjoyed the video!    If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to .

Coming Soon: October 2016

Hello once again everyone! Hope your transitions from Summer into Fall were wonderful :-) Let's review September before we dive into October's offerings. Morgan: Not the sci-fi classic it was hoping to be it would seem. I didn't hear much about this one because I'm guessing people had forgotten that they'd seen it. The Light Between Oceans: Touching, if not overlong, and ultimately just a bit too sad for its own good. It features gorgeous cinematography and fantastic lead performances but is missing a couple key components to be truly remarkable. RRS: 7.5/10 Sully: A taut, well-organized, intense thriller that will make you cringe in your seat, even if we already know what happens. A tremendous effort by Hanks and Eastwood based on the tremendous effort by the actual pilot, Sully. RRS: 9/10 Blair Witch: Features some effective scares and the "found footage" takes some appreciated steps forward (i.e. drones and HD) but ultimately this is a forgettable an...