Title: Kimssi pyoryugi (Kim's Island) - Castaway On The Moon Year: 2009 Director: Lee Hae-Joon (AKA Lee Hae-Jun) Running time: 116 min. Country: South Korea This film is about a man stranded as a castaway on a deserted island and was a pleasant surprise for me. The story evolves very unexpectedly and I really enjoyed it. It contains many memorable funny scenes and a bizarre love story. Wait, wasn't he alone? The answer is a bit complex, so it is better to watch the movie. I don't intend to write a review about this film. There are many blogs that do this job better than mine. This is a pigeon-centric blog so I'm only summarising here the human-pigeon interactions. There are actually several of these moments which are very interesting and funny. Before talking about them, let's firstly contextualize the scenes: At the beginning of the story we find a starving castaway called Kim who is trapped on a desert island. What should he do when his stomach is demandin...
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